Saturday, December 13, 2014

WOW Sony Suspends Filming After Hackers Hit Payments

This is the most serious hacker attack on a corporation that I am aware of.

Sony, the Hollywood studio maker of  the James Bond and Spider-Man films, has halted shoots after hackers crippled its computer network, and leaked four films and thousands of documents.

Agencies filming for Sony Pictures have cancelled shoots because the problems have left it unable to process payments, a source told The Times.

The attack by Guardians of Peace, a hacking collective suspected of having links with North Korea, has taken most of Sony Pictures’ computers offline, says the report.

The attack has also resulted in the release of embarrassing emails sent by top Sony execs (SEE: LEAKED What Hollywood Execs Really Say About Obama Behind His Back).

Speculation exists that the hacking is being done by the government of North Korea because North Korean leader Kim Jong-un  is upset at Sony plans to release on Christmas Day a comedy The Interview, whose plot centers around two misfits recruited by the CIA to assassinate Kim.


  1. doesn't look the North Koreans see the funny side.

  2. Why does (did) Sony have so much important information, including unreleased product on computers or accessible by computers addressable by the outside world? Is working from home more important than their very sensitive to data breach product?
