Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Latest Financing Idea From the Radical Leftists Running Greece

Gee, I can't imagine why this didn't go over big with the banksters as a way a new round of financing could take place for the Greek government.

Der Spiegel reports:
The most recent idea propagated by Greece is that of bonds that never have to be paid back -- but it too was rejected.

Note: Other indications are that the new officials running Greece will cave, break their promises to the voters who elected them and cut a deal with the banksters that will be favorable to  the banksters and not Greece.



  1. --" The most recent idea propagated by Greece is that of bonds that never have to be paid back "--

    So they're not really bonds but donation slips.

    Wonder why the idea was rejected... Hmm.

  2. Interest-only mortgages work swell for marginal debtors in San Francisco. Why not marginal countries? The EU could fix Greece up and flip it to China.
