Sean Fieler, president of American Principles in Action (APIA)It doesn't look like it is the type of group that is going to tell Fed Chair Yellen what I would tell her.
Steve Lonegan, director of monetary policy at APIA
Ralph Benko, economic advisor at APIA
John Allison, Cato Institute president
Steve Moore, chief economist at the Heritage Foundation
Peter Sepp, president of the National Taxpayers Union
Sue Ann Penna, president of Citizens for Limited Government
Norbert Michel, Heritage Foundation economist
Judy Shelton, Atlas Network economist
Brian Domitrovic, history professor, Sam Houston University
Marc Miles, economist at Global Economic Solutions
Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment
Jim Martin, chairman of the 60 Plus Association
Deneen Borelli, outreach director at FreedomWorks
Rich Lowrie, senior advisor at Put Growth First
Matthew DeVries, chairman of Liberty Iowa
Jiesi Zhao, director of the center for entrepreneurship at the Young America's Foundation
(ht Felix Bronstein)
Still would love to be a fly on the wall with a teeny tiny tape recorder! Lol! Wonder if we will ever find out what was really said! Who knows!