Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Diet Might Cut the Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s


  1. I eat 6 eggs with butter and over a pound of red meat a day. Can't wait to lose my mind!

  2. Foods derived from animals of all varieties are as healthy for human dietary consumption as the diet of the critters we derive the food from is to the critter. If your meat is cut from bovine, bison, fish or foul that are eating other than what that animals traditional diet has been, you are not eating the traditional diet of humans.

    Any dietary element whether it be animal, plant or fungus humans consume that we are not evolved/created to consume is going to be a stress on our body. Meat, mostly due to its nutritional density, has higher health impacts, both good and bad, compared to plant foods.

    It's not that red meat, or any other food derived from animals, is bad for you. It's that most animals raised for human consumption are not raised on their traditional diet. Which steak is more healthy for you; the one cut from a steer foraging in the pastures or cut from the steer finished in a feed lot on grains and soy while being administered antibiotics to combat the increased incidence of infection related to feed lots?

    Food is simple. Humans complicate it. The less food is manipulated by humans the healthier it is.

    Alex Zoum

  3. Eat food, not food-like substances, in as close to its natural state as possible
