Friday, June 19, 2015

Goldman Sachs Goes Easy on Interns — Makes Them Leave by Midnight

Goldman Sachs’ Class of 2015 interns — totaling 2,900 — are now getting cushier jobs.

NyPo reports:
The white-shoe firm is going easy on its new recruits, telling them to go home before midnight and not show up before 7 in the morning, the company said Wednesday. 
The summer help, who are preparing for high-powered careers in the financial industry, work as analysts and associates, performing the same duties as Goldman Sachs employees for 10 weeks, according to the firm.
They are paid a paltry salary compared with their full-time cohorts. They do not get overtime for pulling all-nighters, according to spokesman Michael DuVally.

1 comment:

  1. This is nothing new for young kids on Wall Street. Before you make your bones, you're going to get ridden, and hard. But once they break you, then comes the field of oats.
