Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Obamacare Hits Record Unpopularity

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that a record 54% of Americans oppose Obamacare–the highest disapproval rating ever in the Post-ABC poll–and a six point increase in unpopularity since last year.

Central planning never works, and that is what Obamacare is. central planning in the healthcare sector. But this is only the beginning of the problems for Obamacare, over time prices will climb and services will dwindle--until ultimately a decline in life expectancy becomes a real threat, 


1 comment:

  1. "over time prices will climb and services will dwindle--until ultimately a decline in life expectancy becomes a real threat"

    At which point the Demoncrats will call for a government monopoly healthcare system and put the health insurance industry out of business. Naturally the gutless and feckless Repulsivecans will panic and support real nationalization in a desperate attempt to remain politically viable.

    The way the system works the statists can't lose - the more dysfunctional their policies becomes the more the electorate expands their power to "fix" the problems they created. It's really a beautiful scam in a sick, demented sort of way.
