Thursday, August 20, 2015

Lefty "Businessman" May Go Out of Business Paying Crazy Wages

IJReview reports:
Vic Gumper, the owner of multiple Lanesplitter Pizza locations in the San Francisco Bay area, decided to become a leader in the efforts of the golden state to pay employees a “living wage.”

According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, Gumper now pays all of his employees between $15 and $25 an hour, far more than the current minimum wage requirement for the area.

This is how Gumper described his motivation for the increase:
“The necessity of paying people a living wage in the Bay Area is clear, so it’s hard to argue against it, and it’s something I’m really proud to be able to try doing. At the same time, I’m terrified of going out of business after 18 years.”
Why is Gumper terrified?

According to Breitbart, the sales at some of the business’ locations have dropped by 25% in recent months. While advertising the new slogan: “sustainably served, really … no tips necessary,” the cost of pizzas at the small chain has increased $30.



  1. Couldnt have happened to a more deserving statist A-Hole.

  2. What did this idiot expect? Did he think money was just going to fall from the sky or something?
