Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ralph Nader Accuses Law School of Servicing Corporate Greed

Ralph Nader, Harvard Law School graduate, accused his alma mater of servicing corporate greed in a speech on the University campus last week.

“Would you be proud of representing the corporate crooks in Wall Street?” Nader asked an audience primarily composed of Law students at Langdell Hall in the early afternoon, according to the Harvard Crimson. “What is the purpose of the Harvard Law School? Well, you know who knows what the purpose is? The corporate giants. They know exactly what the purpose of the Harvard Law School is. It’s to provide endless relays of lawyers who service their interests."

"Harvard Law is not an institution that provokes any kind of consternation or fear among the power structure, just the opposite," he continued. "On the whole, it’s an institution that rationalizes corporate power brilliantly, services corporate power brilliantly with its graduates and some of its departments here…."



  1. sounds like...from The Iron Heel..

    * The function of the corporation lawyer was to serve, by
    corrupt methods, the money-grabbing propensities of the
    corporations. It is on record that Theodore Roosevelt, at
    that time President of the United States, said in 1905 A.D.,
    in his address at Harvard Commencement: "We all know that,
    as things actually are, many of the most influential and
    most highly remunerated members of the Bar in every centre
    of wealth, make it their special task to work out bold and
    ingenious schemes by which their wealthy clients, individual
    or corporate, can evade the laws which were made to
    regulate, in the interests of the public, the uses of great

  2. Uh, he just figured this out? I also like how he implies that "corporate giants" are people, capable of acting on their own. Progressives love to point out the fallacy of the Citizens United SCOTUS decision by saying it makes corporations people, but when you listen to their rhetoric, they almost always refer to corporations as people by ascribing human emotions to them (greed corporations, evil corporations, corporate greed, etc) and powers to act. What I guess he never figured out is how the good ol' boy club works. Harvard grads, hire Harvard grads. If I were him I would be more upset with a government that settles for a fine rather than perusing criminal charges against people working in these large corporations that break the law. The Obama administration has greatly weakened the Harvard defense lawyer stronghold by creating the perfect "pay-to-break-the-law" system. They now only need lawyers to help them arrive at the amount of the fine when/if they get caught.

  3. When I discovered Rothbard in 1973, I heard about how Gabriel Kolko had demonstrated that the “Robber Barons” did not employ laissez faire but instead were behind the “progressive” legislation that allowed them to monopolize. I bought the book used at a Michigan State used book store that summer. I still have it.


    That book appears to have completely demolished all of the left “progressive” arguments in favor of more “regulation” to cure the evils of laissez faire. You know. Those evils that don’t actually exist but for the “progressive” cure. The debate is over. We won.

    However, no progressive will allow themselves to think through this analysis, much less repeat it in public. That would be the end of their power and career. They are afraid to face the fact that they are the cause of most of the world’s problems, not the saviors of the world.

    They are liars and bullies. We need to be calling them on it.

    1. "However, no progressive will allow themselves to think through this analysis, much less repeat it in public."

      Yup. And for one reason and one reason alone. because they don't want to hear it. Their cowards.

    2. Liberals respond to the truth of their economic polices in the same way conservatives respond when hearing the truth about coproaches; insults, screaming and nonsensical arguments.

  4. Ralph Nader, Harvard Law School graduate, accused his alma mater of servicing corporate greed in a speech on the University campus last week.legal case management software for government attorneys
