Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nobel Prize Winner Angus Deaton on Inequality

Not perfect, but not bad. He could have been much worse.

 He said at The Wall Street Journal CEO Council annual meeting:

Inequality is partly a marker of success,” he said. “If someone thinks of something, some new innovation that benefits us all, and the market works properly, they get richly rewarded for that and that’s just terrific and that creates inequality. So some of the greatest inequalities in the world have come from the greatest successes—from the industrial revolution 250 years ago to innovation and new inventions and new things today...

One that I worry about is that some of the enormous riches we’re seeing in the United States today are coming from activities that are in social doubt. So some of the activities that are going on in Wall Street that are occupying some of our smartest young minds—it’s not clear society wants them to be doing that as opposed to be innovating in the private sector or curing cancer or doing all the various things smart people could do.”

The other thing I worry about is the political part that comes with extreme wealth,


1 comment:

  1. You said"One that I worry about is that some of the enormous riches we’re seeing in the United States today are coming from activities that are in social doubt." mean like wealth as a function of political power and conflict of interest?

    Clinton Foundation

    The Clinton Foundation has long been full of conflicts of interest and slipshod accounting. Those are necessary to send big money to friends.

    The firm is managed by Carolina Botero, who is also chief financial officer at the Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership. It lists various Clinton Foundation and CGEP officials as directors in its corporate filings. The Clinton Foundation’s tax returns list Fondo Acceso as a related corporation in which the foundation holds a 50 percent stake.

    Colombian companies that want to apply for venture funding from the Fondo Acceso must also sign a contract turning over financial and internal information to both the private equity firm and the Clinton Foundation.

    Here are Accesso's affiliates as of a July 2012 presentation:

    There's a new method for taking advantage of banana republics, the PEU way.

    The Clinton's helped create the system, thus they know how to navigate PEU waters.
