Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Did Paul Krugman Secretly Meet With Vladimir Putin for $200,000 Cash in a Suitcase?

I have learned from a person close to Nobel Prize winner and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman that Krugman secretly met with Russian president Vladimir Putin for a fee of $200,000 cash--in a suitcase.

Apparently, Krugman's speaking fee is $200,000 per event and that is what he charged Putin.

I can't verify that the meeting took place or the suitcase filled with cash was given to Krugman, but I am quite certain that Krugman did tell my source the story.



  1. gosh you people are such hypocrites - typical libertarians - everything libertarian is ok unless it's not what you like

    dumb cunts

    1. What part of the RW statement is condemning?

    2. Y'know, we may be lowly libertarians, but we don't use that kind of language around here.

    3. And this foul-mouthed troll is still here... why?

    4. I was going to suggest that The Peak Oil Poet was Jerry Wolfgang in drag, but I don't recall Wolfgang using that kind of language.

    5. In other news, US oil production hit a 44-year high earlier this year.

    6. Your comparison falls apart as soon as you figure out where Putin got the money in the first place. But thinking thru it to that extent would have stressed your tiny brain. I understand.

  2. RW your is correct except in one particular -- it's not true it was a suitcase full of cash.

    On good authority PK was heard to say: "Don't gimme no fiat sh*t, man; I want that barbarous relic sh*t or no deal."

    1. I have it on good authority that somebody told Putin that the moon is made of cheese.

  3. I had assumed that Krugman the Whore's services would co$t $1,000,000 at the least? Mu$t have been a Holiday Sale discount.

  4. I am sure he properly reported it upon reentry into the United States and would not have put it in an overseas account, and he also properly reported the income to the IRS to pay his fair share.

    1. Having read several biographies of Putin...what I learned is that he was always unusual amongst Russian bureaucrats/politicians in that he could not be bribed or corrupted...this gained him many an enemy and attack on his and his families lives.

      So, now you're telling me that he allowed an American Jew journalist to bribe him? C'mon.

  5. Wait. Paul Krugman pays no taxes on this. What a hypocrite

    1. If there was 200K in a suitcase hand carried in the USA doesn't that have various legal and tax issues associated with it? Not to mention civil asset forfeiture.
