Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Theranos Movie Coming

Academy Award-winner Jennifer Lawrence will star in a movie about the embattled Silicon Valley blood-testing start-up, Theranos, which counted among its directors and advisers military generals and establishment insiders such as former Treasury Secretary George P. Schultz and the war criminal Henry Kissinger.

I was among the first to raise suspicions about the company and its founder, Elizabeth Holmes. at a time when Silicon Valley's San Jose Mercury News suggested that she was the female Mark Zuckerberg.

In 2014, Forbes reported the net worth of Holmes as $4.5 billion. Now it says she is worth zero.

Theranos is under investigation by a number of government agencies. The company has admitted to having voided thousands of tests because of improper testing methods.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services previously reported finding major problems at Theranos' California lab.

Walgreens terminated the companies' relationship with Theranos on  Sunday.

Effective immediately, Walgreens said it was closing all 40 Theranos "wellness centers" in Arizona that conducted blood testing.

According to Deadline, the movie will be an  Adam McKay drama.

Reports Deadline:
Founded in 2003 by Holmes, Theranos claimed to have revolutionized blood testing by being able to use only a pinprick of blood, rather than traditional methods of drawing blood by injection. The company however is now under investigation over claims of inaccurate test results...
McKay, who did an outstanding job making the financial crisis understandable and enjoyable in The Big Short, feels like the perfect filmmaker for this rise-and-fall cautionary tale for a company that once could boast of Henry Kissinger on its board of directors. In Lawrence, he may have found the perfect leading lady to embody Holmes, at one point the latest poster child for medical innovation and potential profitability.

(ht Robert Blumen)

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