Monday, July 18, 2016

Ron Paul: Trump's Not Going to Listen to Congress or Anybody Else

The great Ron Paul warns about Donald Trump.


  1. @ 2:00 mark - in true zombie fashion, the commentator cannot think beyond one dimension on the political spectrum (right = Republican and left = Democrat). Checking out the Nolan chart and understanding that Dr. Paul does not reside anywhere near Trump or Hillary would sure serve this commentator well.

  2. More than likely true. However, Hillary is also unlikely (perhaps even more so and given her history) to listen to congress or anyone as well. In fact, one could argue that this has been a gradual continuing trend for some time. It may come down to which quasi-dictator one wishes to choose, assuming one is inclined to vote in this election cycle, or any for that matter.

  3. Many are understandably concerned about a Trump Presidency because of the precedence of a lawless and politicized Presidency set down by Obama. After eight years of the current administration, why would any new President think they needed to give anything more than lip service to the Constitution. The only difference is that the Press ("Democrat operatives with bylines" as our beloved InstaPundit calls them) would be breathing down Trump's neck like they never did with Obama, and wouldn't do with Hillary.

  4. I am concerned about a Trump Presidency for the simple fact we know little about what he will do. I am terrified of a Clinton Presidency because we know what she will do. As for Congress. I honestly don't know if congress collectively has the balls to stop any sitting President's policies at this point. The Republican's did a piss poor job with Obama.

  5. Our options are Trump, Clinton, or Johnson (the best Libertarians could muster, no thanks to ancaps). Fantasyland Anarcho-capitalism didn't make the ballot.
