It does not appear they understand the difference between crony trade and free trade.
-RWRemarkable #GOP shift on #FreeTrade over past 1yr+: 39% said 'bad thing' for U.S. in May 2015; 61% say this today— Alec Tyson (@alec_h_tyson) August 20, 2016
It would not surprise me if people do not understand the difference, but the image says the question was about "free trade agreements," not "free trade."
DeleteRW must be bored and is trolling.
Are you guys serious? Do you really think the masses get the difference between free trade and "free trade agreements"?
DeleteThere are no free trade or free trade agreements, there is only crony trade. You cant have free trade in an Oligarchy and I would think you would admit this!
DeleteA real free trade treaty would be about three sentences long.
ReplyDeleteHere's a question: when you encounter a "businessman" in a social setting who carries himself like an entrepreneur and employs free market rhetoric but is in fact just a rent seeking crony capitalist who could't make a profit amid mere market forces, do you ask prying questions and expose him as the well-dressed welfare queen he is? Try it sometime and make sure there is an audience.
"The masses" don't have any opinion on free trade. They have an opinion about their paychecks. That's it. They don't care about moral or philosophical consistency. The people who support what is commonly called "free trade" are the ones for whom it's more or less worked out for. Vice versa for those who oppose it. It's like asking buggy whip makers what they think about cars.