Wednesday, September 28, 2016

United Nations: U.S. Owes Black People Reparations for a History of ‘Racial Terrorism’

Social justice warriors are going stark raving mad.

The history of slavery in the United States justifies reparations for African Americans, argues a recent report by a U.N.-affiliated group based in Geneva, reports The Washington Post.

This conclusion was part of a study by the United Nations' Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, a body that reports to the international organization's High Commissioner on Human Rights.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report stated. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching."

Since we are apparently playing this game of back to the future based on classes where many individual members of the class that is demanded reparations from, namely non-African Americans, had nothing do with slavery etc. (zero), perhaps we should look at the most evil class on the planet, government employees. More people have been killed, been tortured, and otherwise ruined, at the hands of government employees than by any other class, See Death By Government.

Since the United Nation is an organization of governments, those working for it should be considered high-powered government employees. As a first step, I urge therefore the members of the United Nations' Working Group of Experts, based on their back to the future "logic," to divest themselves of all their material wealth by distributing is to us in the non-government class, who have suffered for centuries at the hands of government employees.

This would be a good start if these experts really believe in their argument.



  1. Didn't we already give them the inner sections of many of our large cities?

  2. If I "identify" as Black, can I get a check, too?

  3. They've got to keep the little voters hopeful now don't they? At least until November.

  4. The EU should pay for it. They brought slavery to what would be the US. Why can the EU forget its role?

  5. When will the Egyptians pay back the Jews?

  6. Then there is the Africans who captured other Africans and sold them the European traders waiting on the coast.

  7. --- In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge ---

    This statement is absurd. What does it mean when they claim that the *legacy* remains a serious challenge? If that were the case, then it will not matter how much in reparations the people will be made to fork out to whatever individual holds out his or her hand because those same individuals will keep having babies. It's insane.

  8. If I were African American, living in the US, and my ancestors were slaves, I would feel so grateful for living in the US rather than a corrupt hell hole in Africa.

  9. Another objection to race-based reparations: who is black? Obama is said to be "black", but he's half white. Should he half-pay and half-receive reparations, thus on balance paying and receiving nothing? How about Tiger Woods? It seems to me that race-based reparations could not be carried out without an official classification of everyone by fraction of each of several racial origins. I'm sure Big Brother would love that, but the rest of us might object.

  10. The EU owes reparations to Native Americans for not also demanding reparations for Native Americans and because of (TRIGGER WARNING) Hernan Cortes.
