Thursday, October 20, 2016

"Climate Donors" for Hillary

Did you know that Climate Change cronies were a source of donations for Hillary?

From the Podesta emails:

 From: "Heberlee, Brent R" < 
Date: July 23, 2014 at 6:04:48 PM EDT
 To: "John D. Podesta (" <
Cc: Susan McCue <
 Subject: potential meeting with HRC at National Clean Energy Summit
Nat told me he mentioned to you the idea of him pulling together a small group of climate funders to meet with you and HRC at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas on September 4. I thought the meeting would be a great way for CEP to attract potential new donors to the summit and for HRC to connect with politically active climate funders. It would also help Nat in his efforts to coordinate the work of other climate funders and bring in more capital to support the climate and clean energy agenda.
If you’re amenable to this idea, would you be willing to reach out to HRC’s camp to make the request? As a former CEP board member and annual summit participant, I thought you would be in the best position to extend the invite. Thanks.
P.S. Nat had a great conversation with POTUS today in Los Altos and it sounds like there is strong interest in convening a meeting of climate donors later this year. David Simas was also in attendance.
Brent R. Heberlee 
Attorney at Law
1666 K Street, NW, Suite 500 
 Washington, D.C. 20006 
T 202.887.1400
F 202.466.3215
D 202.887.1423  

1 comment:

  1. I don't mean to be rude, but is there anyone who is surprised by this?
