Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bill Kristol: ‘Lazy, Spoiled’ White Working Class Should Be Replaced by Immigrants

Oh boy, the anti-immigrant crowd is going to go crazy.

Kristol: "I hope this isn't being videotaped."

Start at 54 minutes and 15 seconds.

BTW I classify Kristol's comment as a "Fun Theory," I don't think it holds but it is provocative and I do think immigrants who come here generally do work hard (ii they are not supported by the state.)



  1. I couldn't imagine a better video to move people away from conservatism and toward the alt-right where they belong.

    1. Kristol's opinion is simulatenously totally wrong and unimportant and will push everyone towards the right's version of hysterical social justice warriors. Right.

  2. What else can one expect from a scummy Jew who has never worked a day in his life unless you call running your mouth for your elite paymasters 'work'. Some one needs to deport him and his friends like Rahm Emmanuel, Chertfoff, Ari Fleischer and too many others to list back to Israel. American Jews who have some loyalty and concerned about unchecked immigration are exempted from this idea.

    Yes, how dare us 'whites' be concerned about people coming in from places that can't run a functioning first world society while being bludgeoned by the monetary incompetence of federal reserve with decreasing wages and increased cost of housing and anything else the federal government touches. We would also like to be able to speak English for the most part and talk those with a command of that language

    Interesting list here if true (I'm not endorsing the party but this only list like this I could find).

    Anyway Bill K, good luck getting those turd world brown people to support Israel. Be careful what you wish for my big nosed friend. I'm sure those imported Muslim Somalis give a damn about the cause of Israel.

    1. Cheering for your own demise? I'm waiting for any libertarian to address the points made in this article.

    2. I doubt anyone every will, it's just a bunch of race realism psuedo science nonsense, which is typically advanced by journalists and washed out grad students.

      Supposing everything in this article was true, which I've only skimmed because I can only take a certain amount of stupidity at once, libertarians wouldn't care. If, supposing for the sake of argument with your foolish self, some "race" were naturally "less intelligent", how would that affect the NAP? If your arguing that they're somehow less human, then I suggest you put a little note in your wallet, in case you get into a car accident:

      "Will not accept blood transfusions from sub humans."

      Otherwise, the NAP still holds, some groups will be more or less diverse, there can be a wide range of community structures and opinions under the NAP, and there's no reason to address the arguments made here about dubious racial theories or about the benefits of diversity because they are extra libertarian.

    3. Which part of that article I posted is nonsense? Do you think some low IQ is really going to give a damn about NAP? It is a fact that most blacks are prison at a higher percentage relative to their minority status. I'm frankly tired of supporting these people and white ones to. Most minorities do vote left, so good luck with voting to make a more limited government society.

      If you really believed your own BS, like the white liberals, you would move to a black run US city or a black run country. If duh-versity works, Brazil should be kicking butt economically but for some reason it can't.

    4. @The Lab Manager

      I'm actually rooting against my "demise" at the hands of American fascists who want to choke off my ability to interact with the rest of the world, in the name of satiating their nationalistic fetishes.

    5. ─ Do you think some low IQ is really going to give a damn about NAP? ─

      Interesting question. Let's find out:

      Lab Manager, do you give a damn about the NAP? You can grunt in the affirmative.

    6. Thanks Torres for showing your stupidity about race. There is reason Africa is Africa and ditto for Central and some South American countries. Ignore the question of race, IQ, and ability at your peril. None of these societies would give a damn about your NAP.

  3. ─ Bill Kristol: ‘Lazy, Spoiled’ White Working Class Should Be Replaced by Immigrants ─

    Dumb opinion-maker makes dumb opinion. Dumb Trumpistas will latch on said dumb opinion to make their own and even dumber opinions. That, and other news, tonight, after the ABC Sunday Night Movie.

  4. What Kristol does not grasp is that when economic opportunities are eliminated for americans in productive areas or just become not worth the work for the reward there will be more people going for _his_ job. More competition for the gigs he makes his living from. Smarter people who might have done the things he is incapable of doing will challenge him and beat him at his own game.
