Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sanders to Debate Cruz Live on CNN on the Future of Obamacare

This should be interesting. Will Ted Cruz present a solid free market position or will he take a weasely position that "everyone will still be protected by the government" even after the elimination of Obamacare? We know how the socialist Bernie Sanders is going to position things from his corner.



  1. Cruz will kick his ass. Steven Crowder has a video on YouTube showing how every time Sanders is confronted on his socialism, he just acts like a petulant dick. He's too used to brain dead milenials kissing his ass.

  2. Yeah that's just what we need, Ted Cruz as the face of Obamacare's Repeal. May as well get used to the ACA.

  3. Unbelievable BS. Just repeal it. The Repubs have majorities in the House and Senate and a president willing to sign it. It got passed on a straight party line vote and can be repealed similarly.

    1. Also please repeal medical licensing and pharmaceutical regulation while you're at it.

    2. The question is "Does >50% of the US House and the US Senate favor an end to all of Obamacare?" From my review of the news it would appear that is not the case. A number of Republican Congressmen are afraid (or sincerely support) the continuation of the pre-existing condition regulation (including Rand Paul if I am reading truthful descriptions of his plan). There are too many elected Republican Congressmen that are advocates of Democrat Party light policies.

  4. I can't believe anyone thinks two politicians are the people we should have debating the subject in the first place. Goes to show how far the brainwashing has gone (or stockholm syndrome)

  5. What will not be brought up is that government in league with the profiting parties created this mess with over a century of intervention to create and preserve high prices.

  6. It will just a debate heavy on emotionalism. Sanders will put on a big show of outrage and show 'compassion' or whatever, with little on economics, and will be declared the winner. Waste of time.
