Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Vincente Fox Tees Off On Donald Trump

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox is in San Francisco today to speak at The Commonwealth Club on the topic of  "Immigration, the Wall, and the Future of U.S. –Mexico Relations."

Prior to his speech, the Club arranged for a media availability with Fox. He let it rip.

He said there was "no fucking way" Mexico was going to pay for a wall and he warned contractors that Trump doesn't have the money to pay for the wall and that Congress would not approve funds for the wall.

He said that any Mexican contractors that would work on the wall would be traitors.

He also said that he was going to be a "shadow cabinet" to confront front Trump "who has decided to impose his ideas on a nation, on Mexico, Latin America, and the world."

He correctly noted that trade was win-win.

When I asked him about Trump's global military policy, he replied:
Is there a policy or he wakes up with a headache and shoots off 59 missiles?
In a continuation of the response to my question, he said
America wake up. He is a false prophet taking you to the desert.
Return to this post for a full video clip of the comments of Fox which are being loaded and will be available shortly.



Here's the video:


  1. ─ He [Fox] correctly noted that trade was win-win. ─

    But for the jealous, the envious and the economically ignorant, trade is a lose-win, or a zero-sum game.

    1. Since NAFTA was signed, 1 million US jobs were transferred to Mexico. It was good for the directors of Caterpillar and Ford; terrible for the people of Ohio & Michigan.

    2. Likely good for the customers of Caterpillar and Ford also.

  2. ─ Is there a policy or he wakes up with a headache and shoots off 59 missiles? ─

    No, he didn't wake up with a headache. His darling daughter said "Daddy, I feel sad for those dead Syrians I saw on Tee Vee! I don't want to see more dead Syrians!" and he then obliged.

    1. that was 100 million well spent if it switched off the MSM bleating about trump being a Russian stooge all day.

      There is not going to be a Wall like so much of Trumps electioneering it will be quitely dropped.

  3. Fox is a white wetback douchebag with no talent. Funny that the he has no desire to keep his people he supposedly cares about back in Mexico making his country richer. Tells you a lot right there. Another wetback loser who needs to stay in Mexico and barely qualified to sweep floors.

    1. Aww, did you get triggered by someone speaking the truth about your god-emperor?

    2. Insults are the last resort of knaves and the unintelligent, Lab. I didn't see a single argument peeking from that diatribe. I must, therefore, that you're either having a bad day or didn't take your meds yet.

    3. Working abroad and sending the money home would seem to be a way to make one's home country richer, so I'm not quite following your logic.

    4. Francisco, show me any intelligent argument from the stupid Mexican who never worked a day in his life. What crap country do you reside in?

    5. Re:The Lab Manager,

      Who are you talking about? Name names. I'm no mind reader.

  4. I'm curious how building a wall would make Mexican companies traitors. Seems like he wants his undesirables leaving Mexico for America. Or maybe it is Mexification, similar to what Russia did in Crimea, Kaliningrad and Eastern Ukraine. And we allow MEChA at American universities. The game of empire never stops even if your country is weak and shitty.

    1. Re: Rob,

      --- Seems like he wants his undesirables leaving Mexico for America. ---

      Sure, sure... But going by the level of animosity the Trumpistas show towards US business owners who employ immigrants nore than willingly, it would seem that these "undesirables" that you so despise are, pretty much, VERY DESIRABLE in the US, creating this sort of duality in terms that can only be explained by the lack of perspective and downright nastiness coming from anti-immigrant zealots, who basically just make stuff up, and not because these are bad people.

  5. Isn't Fox single handedly responsible for Mexico's epidemic of diabetes?

  6. Fransisco. You really show a strong passion towards Mexico. Have you applied for your green card yet? For your family?

    1. That question is best answered with: Mind your own business.

      Also, Ad Hominem argiments are not valid arguments. I'm showing a predilection towards freedom and liberty. You, on the other hand, to crass nationalism and downright Fascism. Have you done your salute today?

      See how that wotks?

    2. Why do you think that answering yours and your family immigration status is ad hominem? Might it be that it may disqualify you as an illegal alien?
      Fix the affairs in your oen home first.

  7. Nation of immigrants, blah, blah, blah.

    To summarize Vincente Fox: Mexico for Mexicans. uSA for Mexico.

  8. "The world belongs to humanity."

    In the same way that Mexico belonged to the humanity of Spaniards? When did Mexicans quit being Spanish and become Mexico? When did Mexico quit being a nation of immigrants? Why Mexico enforces immigration laws? WHy Mexico has immigration laws?


    1. Re: JamieInTexas,

      --- When did Mexico quit being a nation of immigrants? ---

      Mexico still receives immigrants. Quig a lot, actually. The restrictive laws exist because the country suffered through 80 years of Fascist rule (and no, I am not using that word lightly). Is interesting that the same arguments used by our politicians to stem immigration are being used by Trumpistas, mostly arguments that contradict each other.

    2. Hey, don't let your logic get in the way of my Libertardian delusions!
