Thursday, October 5, 2017

Top Trump Economic Adviser Goes on Crazed Attack Against Tax Policy Center

As I reported yesterday that he would (SEE:Top Trump Economist to Launch Stink Bomb at the Tax Policy Center), President Trump's economic adviser Kevin Hassett, CEA chairman, went on a crazed attack against the Tax Policy Center and its analysis of Trump tax "reform" report.

The Washington Examiner reports:
Speaking at the Tax Policy Center, Hassett lit into the report the group published Friday that found
the Republican tax plan would lose $2.4 trillion in revenues and raise taxes on many middle-income families while giving big tax breaks to high earners.
The analysis contained "many fictions" and "scientifically indefensible" conclusions,  Hassett told a room of people that included the tax experts who wrote the analysis.
Hassett made the absurd argument that the think tank did not have critical details about the plan necessary to score its effects.

Well, that is the damn problem!!

The tax reform statement released by the Trump administration was BS. It was designed not to be scored so that anyone who analyzed it would be vulnerable to type of attack made by Hassett. But  the Policy Center made no secret of this and wrote up front:
President Trump and the congressional Republican leadership released their newest highly-promoted tax plan today. Although the president promised yesterday it would be a “very comprehensive report,” it is in fact only a broad outline that is silent on key details.
In other words, if this is all the Trump administration put out that's what the Policy Center had to work with.

 “We feel pretty comfortable that we have something that’s consistent with the unified framework and that’s directionally correct,”  TPC Director Mark Mazur said.

Mazur also noted that there are Republican staffers at the center, a joint venture between the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute.

“We strive really hard to be a nonpartisan organization,” he said.

Bottom Line:  Hassett did not provide any details of how the Tax Policy Center was wrong in its analysis. He just hurled stink bombs. Consider him the Baghdad Bob of the Trump economic policy propaganda.



A Baghdad Bob style tweet from the CEA:

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