Friday, November 3, 2017

50% of Millenials Would Rather Live in Socialist, Communist Countries...

According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, one in two U.S. millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy, reports Shawn Langlois at Market Watch.

What’s more, 22% of them have a favorable view of
Karl Marx and a surprising number see Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un as “heroes.”

“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we’re seeing some deeply worrisome trends,” said Marion Smith, executive director of the organization. “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”

This is why it makes no sense, zero, to support clowns like Donald Trump.

Capitalist supporters must speak out for free markets so the young can learn that Trump is not ruling as a capitalist and that there is an alternative to the current system and cronyism that allows for more freedom and greater prosperity.

Trump and socialism should both be attacked.

We need strong voices for liberty, not support for a guy like Trump, who has no appreciation for free markets and liberty, just because the establishment doesn't like him.



  1. To begin with, we need to lose the term "crony capitalist". They suck, right? They're "capitalists" right? Uh. no, not really. What they are, are "parasites" who suck the blood of the society.
    So, like "Parliamentary Parasites"?

  2. Or, Plan B, we could all pool our resources and offer these millennials a one-way (coach class) ticket to the socialist paradise of their choosing.

  3. They will all soon be moving to the future socialist paradise of Catalonia.

  4. I would need to see this poll broken down by race before I got worked up about it.

    1. Re: Former Libertarian,

      Why would you want to see the poll borken down by race? Do you expect to see something less concerning or more concerning than what the poll already suggests?

    2. Demographics are on penultimate page of report.

  5. And yet none of them are leaving for Venezuela. This is almost like lolbertarians who say that blacks are no different than whites, yet make sure to not live around them.

  6. Maybe we should try rolling our eyes at them really hard.

  7. Just as people interpret the meaning of the word "capitalism" differently (depending on whom you ask), people don't all interpret the meaning of "socialism" the same. I think a lot of these idiots still view Sweden as a socialist country.

    I don't see an existential threat here. The envious nothings who share our country still want their iPhones and Starbucks, but they just want to punish anyone who has more money than they do.

    As a result, they'll support any system that sufficiently punishes the rich while allowing them to keep all of the trinkets provided to them by the rich. They perceive Sweden (or "socialism") to be that system.

    1. @Long use name

      I agree. To me one can easy make the argument that the concepts of “socialism” and “democracy” are essentially synonymous.

  8. I'm happy to ship them all off to socialist/communist countries. Let's start with the old standards: N. Korea, Cuba and the relatively new kid on the block, Venezuela. Now let's add Sweden, who had 12 bombings in 24 days because...immigration policy...and the MSM is ignoring it. I'm sure there are other graceless nations - many in Africa - that we could ship these idiots to.

  9. I've just operated under the assumption that at least 50% of millennials are morons.
