Thursday, June 28, 2018

It Just Got Worse: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Thinks She Understands Economics

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 
This is bad. 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated the head of the Queens Democratic machine, Rep. Joe Crowley, in Tuesday's Democratic primary, thinks she understands economics and appears to be not just a socialist but a mixed breed Keynesian New Deal socialist.

Coming soon:  #CommitteeToFlipAlexandriaOcasioCortez



  1. I’ve done some research. Here’s the ethnicity of New York’s 14th Congressional District, home of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez :

    18.41% White
    11.39% Black
    16.24% Asian
    49.80% Hispanic
    0.45% Native American
    3.71% other

    This is definitive proof we needed to demonstrate that the rise of Socialism in the USA can be squarely blamed upon Walter Block and his very qualified support for Trump.

    1. What are you going on about?

    2. Remember, race, IQ, and culture don't matter. If we import dirt world they are simply 'natural libertarians' and magic dirt will make then into limited government citizens and voters. I think that's the jist of his post.

  2. I can believe she has a degree in economics, given how it's taught these days.

    1. She probably does understand economics as she was taught it at BU. Her statements about Pay-Go and investments go along with what a typical education in economics teaches, “Deficits don’t matter.” I wonder if she has ever read anything Austrian? “Mises? Never heard of him.”

  3. This is America's future on third-world immigration

  4. There are four schools of economics.

    Marxism: steal everything by declaring private property to be invalid.
    Keynesianism: steal when needed by counterfeiting
    Chicago school: steal at a steady, predictable rate by counterfeiting
    Austrian School: don't steal

    All a moron needs to understand is that to get ahead in politics, you merely have to promise to rob the productive and use the loot to buy votes from the parasitic.

    This lady is just another moron who sees how easy it all is.

  5. Democracy, the God that failed... That's all we need to know about how and why socialism infected this country and has it on its death-bed.

    1. There’s very little difference between democracy and socialism. Under socialism, private property is abolished. Under democracy, private property can be abolished any time 51% of the population wants to abolish it.

    2. Even the words are related: demos (people together) and society (people together). Communism refers to community (people together). Collectivism is all the same thing with various names. Fascism is from fascio - latin for a bundle of sticks and probably is related to fasten - people tied together.

  6. If the sole goal of your economic plan is redistribution of wealth from the productive clases to the non productive classes, how much thought do you have to put into It?

    1. You have to think hard about your rhetoric. How do you make evil sound like good? How do you make greedy looting sound like saintly altruism? How do you make ruling sound like serving?

      It is an art.
