Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Trump's Lumber Tariffs Will Mean an Increase of Over $6,000 in the Price of New Houses



  1. But our tax cuts are bigger than that. So in the end: more American jobs and more money in our pockets. Win win.

    1. Hey! Where's my 6000 smackers????

    2. Taxes are going up with Trump's plan for most. $10k SALT limit is going to raise my taxes, albeit only $300 or so.

      Trump is just another tax & spend liberal.

  2. NOW Steve Rattner is concerned about the adverse impact on consumers of taxes?

  3. The environmentalist won't allow much logging anymore here in the USA. I watch an agricultural news show on Saturday morning; the farmers are not always happy with some of the actions of Trump. I'm not sure what the solutions is here, but we do have a president who is trying to look out for Americans. The problem is that these trade agreements have been in place for a couple decades now. Not sure that can be reversed.

    1. Re: TLM,

      --- we do have a president who is trying to look out for Americans. ---

      Well, looking out for *some* Americans, mainly those who own the buggy whip industries the tarrifs are set to protect from competition from abroad.

    2. Yes, Torres, I know Americans are not that important to you, especially superior white Europeans like me.
