Wednesday, August 1, 2018

No Equality in the People's Republic of San Francisco for Those Who Want to Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Fresh off the heels of a Democratic congressional primary win in New York City, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in San Francisco last night for two public events.

But there was no equality here.

In fact, the more you shelled out, the closer you got to sit in the audience near Ocasio-Cortez when she spoke at The Assembly, a local venue that generally operates as a "wellness clubhouse for women."

Tickets for the event ranged from $10.00 to a decidedly bourgeois price of $2,700.

And don't think for a minute that socialism isn't becoming more popular.

On a second event that took place
at the Gray Area/Grand Theatre, CBS San Francisco reports:
The response to the 7:30 p.m. event has been so great that organizers were forced to move it at the last minute from the El Rio bar to the Gray Area/Grand Theater, which seats 500 people. However, this venue sold out within a few hours as well due to the huge response, which was unanticipated. 
“There are more people that want to come, but at this point, we can’t change anything more,” said Claire Lau of the San Francisco Progressive Alliance.
With typical socialist logic, Shandi Singh, co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America’s San Francisco chapter, said before the event that no one would be turned away for lack of funds from the "sold out event." Figure that one out. Free seating for everyone at a sold out event!

In addition to the DSA and SFPA, the 7:30 p.m. event was sponsored by the San Francisco Latino Democratic Club, San Francisco Berniecrats and the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club.

Ocasio-Cortez was also the guest at an even more bourgeois, elitist private event here in the foggy city.



  1. In the socialist society there is no shortage of anything--not seats in a theatre, not health services. Whatever you need, you should have it.

  2. With Socialism everything is completely free as long as supplies last.
