Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Gary Cohn Book Coming?

Trump and Cohn
Get your popcorn ready.

Bob Barnett, a Williams and Connolly attorney, is shopping around a book by Gary Cohn to publishers in New York.

Cohn was Director of the National Economic Council and was the chief economic advisor to President Trump from 2017 to 2018. He is also the former president and COO of Goldman Sachs and a Democrat.

According to CNBC, Cohn has been telling friends that he's planning for the final version of the book to be wide ranging and to reflect his experiences from being a senior executive at one of the most influential banks in the world through his tenure as a senior economic advisor to Trump.

He will not be kind to Trump.

Bob Woodward, in his book Fear: Trump in the White House, claimed Cohn once called Trump "a professional liar" and that he would steal papers off of the president's desk in an attempt to stop him from ending free trade agreements.

All indications are that Cohn thinks Trump is an idiot.

CNBC has also reported that Cohn been charging at least $200,000 for speaking engagements while accepting gigs at the National Multifamily Housing Council, a Miami conference for Context Capital Partners, and a corporate event at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


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