Saturday, November 23, 2019

Harvard-Yale Game Delayed by Student Climate Change Protest on the Field

Students are causing more disruption at the Yale Bowl than climate change ever has.

"Here's what the so-called leaders' from Yale & Harvard are up to," EPJ Daily Alert research assistant Harrison Burge emails.

The start of the second half of Saturday's Harvard-Yale game was delayed by nearly an hour after students rushed on to the field to stage a climate change protest.

As it turns out, when it comes to climate change hysteria, students from the elite schools of Harvard and Yale are just as sucked up as part of the student masses across the country into pushing for government intervention that will benefit the crony climate change-industrial complex as anyone else.

Their shallow thinking is no different than that from students at a local community college or, for that matter, local high school dropouts. Actually, most townies have more suspicion and sense about the establishment agenda than these chosen ones.

After the game went to halftime around 1:40 p.m. ET with the Crimson leading 15-3, students from both schools occupied midfield after the Yale band had finished performing.

According to ESPN, some protesters held banners asking their colleges to act on climate change and Puerto Rican debt relief, including one sign that read, "Nobody wins. Yale & Harvard are complicit in climate injustice."

"Hey hey, ho ho, fossil fuels have got to go," some protesters chanted.

AOC was excited:



 Yale trailed by 3 touchdowns, but won in OT 50-43. 


  1. Combined the 2 teams have to have around 60 linemen, tight ends and linebackers. Put the pads on, and have some tackling drills on the field.

    1. Naw, leave 'em alone. Let them continue to win new friends among the football fans.

  2. I gather that Alex Epstein's book, "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels," is not required reading at the Ivies. If it were, then these intellectually lazy students would realize how radically their lives would change if fossil fuels "went."

  3. They should try this at an SEC football game.
