Monday, December 30, 2019

The Chinese Plan to Put 300 Million Chinese in Africa and Takeover the Continent

In an interview, Doug Casey comments:
 I’ve said for years that China is in the process of taking over Africa. In fact, that was a subtheme in my first novel Speculator, about the gold mining industry and bush war in Africa. Some years ago, a Chinese high government official said that their plan was to move 300 million people from China to Africa. That’s an incredible number of people; the Chinese think big. But it wasn’t really picked up anywhere in the press. Over the years, every time I go back to Africa I see more Chinese, and when they’re working on an industrial or a mining project, they’re all dressed in the same color jumpsuits. Almost like the Chinese in Goldfinger, if you remember.

From a long-term point of view, China is taking over Africa. It’s a very intelligent plan, and an unspoken part of their “One Belt, One Road” program. They loan money to some backward African government to build a port, railroad, and airport, or what have you. The Africans can almost never pay those loans back, so the Chinese – as part of the deal – take over the facility and staff it with their own people. This is actually going on today. If the African leaders don’t like it – unlikely since they’ve pocketed millions under the table for facilitating the deal – they will likely find their lives are in danger. If that doesn’t work, the country may have a visit from the Red Army.

I suspect that this facial recognition thing in Zimbabwe is just part of a much bigger plan that relates to the social credit system that is instituted in China now.

This may indeed be the plan but a lot can go wrong when attempting to take over an entire continent--and I hope something goes terribly wrong for the plan.



  1. I hope it succeeds, not fails. It seems to me that success for the Chinese in this endeavor would be a good thing for all, seeing how capital investment will enrich the region, and the rest of the world too as the trade-fallout spreads outward.
    And anyway, I'm sick of seeing Africa fail, decade after decade; This seems like good prospects for growth, and a better standard of living over there.

    1. "You don't want to see africa fail"? how about Africa invest in their own and not depend on colonialism/communism. But it's been a history of that,huh?

    2. I hate them so much, murderers and retarded

  2. I would thing the US would go to full out war to prevent this, since it would put them on the door step of the Middle East, and obviously Africa is rich in natural resources.
    Interesting thing I hadn’t thought about really, are the military operations the US has going on in Africa to supposedly fight terrorist there, actually operations to prevent the Chinese from gaining a foothold there by building a military presence of their (US military) own?
    Do your objections to the Chinese doing this have anything to do with a possible US response RW?

  3. I suspect that it is not China, but Chinese, who are "taking over" Africa. The Chinese, like Indians, often do very well outside of the statist environments of their native lands.

    1. I agree. I think Thomas Sowell wrote about this (how diaspora populations flourish, generally. And how the Chinese do in particular) in "Black Rednecks, White Liberals."

    2. Sui, You must be a Socialist? Please study Zimbabwe, now at the end of 40 Years of this exact economic miracle partnership with China. Every African state colonized by them is Open Cast Mined of every last mineral. Indigenous Forests Denuded, Rivers pousened & Drained Eleohants & Rhinos, etc Poached to extinction. When it's All Extracted, they move on to the Next Corrupt African State. Locusts & Viruses Operate on same Economic Model. Think harder.

  4. If the chinese and africans mix well, have families together, then there is real hope. But if they do not find eachother attractive marriage partners, there is no hope. My guess is that African women do not find Chinese men attractive despite their hard work & their success. And I guess that Chinese men do not find African women attractive or to the taste either. That leaves just Chinese women & African men, the entire future for peace would rest upon these two being able to form marriage bonds that supercede tribal/ethnic loyalties and culture and language. Yet I suspect that China is not sending its women which is in high demand and in short supply worldwide. Well, there is not much hope for peace ....But here's a toast hoping it works and I will throw salt over my shoulder for their good luck at finding peace.

  5. Interestingly here in Kenya the chinese are even doing the hawking business which used to be done only by the locals and I can tell you the competition is real... I can see Africa getting recolonised again for atleast a 100 years and this to me would be a good thing... Our leaders are rotten with corruption, tribalism and nepotism.. We live in a country of dynasties... Depends on who you know and not what you know... When that time comes... I'll join the chinese to overthrow these despots.. We are tired. Welcome chinese

  6. The Chinese can't take over Africa anyway .Africa was robbed it's natural resources by the west ,now they dont have the muscle to build their infrastructure and Chinese are taking advantage.The west stole Gold ,Diamonds, culture ,coal,oil just to name a few .look at the currency value between Aftica and the west,US and the measure of the currency is African.sooner or later nature will eliminate the predator which is offsetting the balance.

  7. Not possible but they may steal all resources left including brains

    1. What brains? This is a travesty...the chinese are making fun of black people and the current leaders lack the brains to stop them...however the chinese are forgeting one very important factor and their devious plan wont work...God doesn't like this type of behavior...they are just wasting their time..

  8. You hope the Chinese succeed? You're sick of seeing Africa fail? Interesting, guess you don't give it a thought that Africa fails by design and foreign meddling? And here with what the Chinese are doing literally proves the point, your blindness and self imposed ignorance is astounding, no concern for the fallout and displacement of Africans, maybe even to the point of eradicating the negro race and culture, your racism is quite revealing and racism is a word I rarely ever mention due to it's over use, YOU FORCED MY HAND!!

    1. Two questions: (1) Is your comment directed at me? (2) Are you on magic mushrooms?

    2. You seem more on "mushrooms" than the other commenter.

    3. Seems like you're the one on "mushroom."

  9. Why not? Africa is filled with abundant natural resources and is largely uninhabited. All China needs to do is remove the dangerous indigenous fauna first.

  10. I see no reason to get my shorts in a knot over this. If the Chinese involvement in Africa benefits both parties, then everything will be fine. If the Chinese become too rapacious, the African people will eventually boot them out just like they booted out the Europeans.
