Wednesday, May 13, 2020

German Adviser Fired for Report on the Dangers of the Lockdown

German Ministry of the Interior building.
Real heroes, taking real risks, continue to emerge in opposition to the totalitarian measures of the statists.

A German ministerial adviser has been fired for circulating a report that described coronavirus as a “false alarm” and accused the government of causing “a large number of avoidable deaths” through its lockdown, reports The Times.

The 92-page document was drawn up by a civil servant in the interior ministry and leaked to a website, apparently after he felt that his misgivings were being ignored by his superiors, The Times continues.

“The (entirely unforced) collateral damage of the corona crisis has by now become gigantic,” it says. “The protection measures ordered by the state … have meanwhile lost any purpose but remain largely in force.

“We urgently recommend completely lifting them in short order in order to prevent [further] damage to the population, particularly in the form of unnecessary additional

Some further quotes via
Crisis management and political decision-makers could wreak enormous avoidable damage on our society, far exceeding the potential of the corona virus and causing unimaginable suffering. The stability of our community and the file of our constitutional order may be endangered. For the state, claims for high damages are threatened because of clearly wrong decisions. 
 In view of the business finding of the present analysis and the contrasting decisions of politics, duped outsiders may fear that the defining goal of national crisis management is no longer the health and safety of the population but the credibility and acceptance of government parties and members of government. 
 The likely death rate cannot be seriously estimated; Experts suspect numbers between 5.000 and up to 125.000 patients who will die / have died as a result of the postponed surgeries. 
The ministerial adviser has not yet been publicly identified.


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