Sunday, September 20, 2020

San Francisco Tech Firm Paying Employees $20,000 If They Leave San Francisco

 This is how crazy it is getting for big lefty cities.

The San Francisco-based high-tech payments company Stripe is offering employees a one-time cash payment of $20,000 if they leave San Francisco, Seattle or New York, reports The San Francisco Business Times.

Firms such as Stripe have begun to realize that it is extremely expensive to have a large office presence in these lefty cities where local taxes are sure to spike and it is expensive to compete for employees 

The mad lockdowns instituted by the local governments in these cities ended up teaching these firms that it is not necessary to have employees all located together in one giant complex. That working at home for some does not cut productivity.

Stripe will still maintain a significant office presence in SF but the offer should be tempting to many. Stripe plans to pay employees up to 10% less if they leave the big cities but the combination of the $20,000 payment plus much lower costs for housing in most other parts of the country will make it a sound move for many.  

According to Bloomberg, VMware Inc. has instituted a similar policy, and Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and ServiceNow Inc. are also considering similar measures.



  1. I wonder when red or even moderate state populations will begin vocal campaigns to keep left-ugees who routinely voted to destroy their communities from coming in with the same garbage ideas (and of course expecting different results).

    I vaguely remember reading about Idaho citizens standing up to this to some degree. For now I'm hoping the harsh MN winters will keep it from ever becoming a major destination for these people.

    1. I'm not sure that I buy the argument that folks who leave socialist paradises and move to "red country" will bring socialist views with them. Isn't it more likely that those who leave don't agree with the socialist views of where they are leaving? Why else would they leave? Wouldn't it be monumentally stupid of them to try to re-create what they just fled from?

    2. Exactly. Most refuges I know from Blue northern cities have no trek with trying to recreate NYC, Boston or Newark.

    3. Um if you live in Minnesota...I am afraid I have some bad news for you about wacky leftist politicians.

    4. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the people leaving places like CA are doing so because it has gotten too expensive and dangerous, but they don't understand (or won't admit) how that came to pass.

      As for MN, once you step outside the Twin Cities it's pretty moderate to conservative. And even within the Twin Cities I would be very surprised if anything even approaching a majority of voters want to de-fund/replace the police. It's not nearly as BLM style leftist as you would think, but I do understand where that impression comes from.

    5. I should also mention that I have had three cousins and an aunt move from CA to MN in the past 15 years due to high taxes, high prices, vagrants, relaxation on drug use, etc. They're not outspoken leftists, but I am sure they will instinctively vote democrat because they think it's the moral thing to do. They're not trying to topple anything, but they potentially are without realizing it.

      On the other hand a more glaring example of this sort of thing came about on a largely apolitical music message board I've been active on for years. The exchange went something like:

      A: I'm finally leaving CA because it has gotten way too expensive. We found a place in TX.

      B: Awesome! Do what you can to make that state blue.

      A: Absolutely. You know I will.

      Maybe that's an unusual mindset, and I know he didn't move out there to influence the result of an election. However it wouldn't surprise me if the seemingly minor consequence of voting democrat after fleeing dying leftist states/cities is widespread enough to actually change the political landscape. Hopefully that isn't the case.

    6. I live in the burbs. Like where the vikings used to practice. I have lived in Minnesota my whole life. I have lived in Minneapolis proper. I have dated people that work in the state capital and partied with state senators.

      If you have lived here thru the 2020 fun and you still don’t see how much of a lost cause liberty is in this state...well it’s time to take off your rose colored glasses.

      Yea sure the rural areas aren’t as crazy as the metro. But they have no power. Not to mention the north side usually elects DFL because the iron range likes the labor part. Plus Walz came from the southern third of the state. He was elected to Congress out of there for 3 terms if not more.

      The state is ran by the crazy ass teacher’s union. All the power is centered in the metro and the rocks and cows out state just bend over and take it from the capital. With a big smile on their face because they are nice.

      Yes I am thinking strongly about a move to the west.

    7. Napster, I grew up in Idaho and it was true 20-30 years ago. Californians could sell their house in California for $3-400,000 and go to Idaho, but a bourse the same size or bigger for 1/3 the price and have a few acres to boot. Most of them move to the capital of Boise, and they did change the political environment to the left quite a bit. I remember listening to folks talking about it all the time. “They left California because their laws are terrible and now they are trying to turn Idaho into California.” There are still quite a few towns that if you say you are from California, you will get scowls and nasty looks, especially if they find out you are moving there.
      The migration now is a little different, but I’m not sure the results will be.

    8. I come from Venezuela, and I've come to meet several venezuelans that are here because of the government, but for some reason find Bernie and his policies acceptable. Hoppe points out this issue on several of his works. In fact, some would argue that one of the errors of Russia Virgin Mary warned in Fatima is what we're seeing now with politicians

  2. So what second-tier cities, states are these folks moving to?

    Jacksonville, Austin, New Mexico, Colorado, Asheville seem like attractive options?

    Creative types are moving off to Nashville. Any other ideas?

    I think this dispersal to other less populated cities in the south will overall be a great positive as big cities lose control and more autonomy and political power is located in these less cosmopolitan areas.

  3. Are you still in SF Wenzel? If so, what would it take for you to leave?

  4. I work for a software co that has been virtual since day one in the late 90's and have been telecommuting 5 years.

    Its really the way to go if you can be productive at home. Moving to reduce the cost of living with stealth inflation killing all but the 1% is the only way to maintain the lifestyle you have and want to keep.

    I keenly look forward the crash and burn of the lefty hell holes!!

  5. Phathead:

    I've lived here all my life too. But I should mention that I'm only 34, single, don't have kids (don't plan to), rent, have no debt and make middle class wages at a blue collar job. With the way things are in MN now I feel like I kind of fly under the radar in terms of obnoxious legislation. Maybe others get battered by it.

    That said, I also get the feeling that the leftists in MN are all about promoting what amounts to toothless legislation that never seems to go anywhere. I think it has everything to do with appearing compassionate and trying to follow the lead of the so-called major progressive cities, but really only in an odd attempt to maintain a sense of relevance from their perspective.

    I'm guessing in the aftermath of Walz and Frey demonstrating their utter incompetence that we'll quietly swing a bit to the right, and then we'll go back in the other direction for similar reasons a few years later. It's not perfect, it definitely isn't true liberty, but it also (so far) has translated to me living in a nice neighborhood on the outer ring of a major city without really being bothered by local government.

    In that sense I agree with Wenzel in that a government that never seems to get anything major done due to party disputes isn't necessarily a bad thing. Given the current political landscape it's probably ideal.

    However I should add that if I was raising a family I would definitely look into relocating to a rural area or somewhere like SD.
