Monday, October 19, 2020

Government Lockdown Forcing the Shrinking of Chicago City Government

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot is learning that there are consequences to mad lockdowns.

Lightfoot is considering layoffs for more than 300 city workers, a gas tax hike and a $94 million property tax increase as part of her plan to close a $1.2 billion budget deficit, sources told the Chicago Tribune.

Of course, tax hikes are just going to chase more people from the city--the taxpaying base.

In the end, with the tax base shrinking a lot more than 300 Chicago city workers will need to be laid off.

Similar problems are also developing in other cities with hard lockdowns as well.

The mini-city states are turning into third world hell holes. 



  1. At some point many people will be just walking away from their Chicago houses. Due to the taxes they won't be able to afford to stay in the house, and they will be unsellable.

  2. Shrinking governments may be a lockdown silver lining.

    1. Here here! Lets see all these poorly managed liberal strongholds crash and burn be blm over run!

      My fondest wish is for these hell holes to serve as dentralization cautionary tales as people cant run away fast enough!

      Ultimately they be the poster children for saying no to socialist totalitarianism
