Thursday, October 22, 2020

New Charles Koch Book Coming

Charles Koch

Due out in November is a new Charles Koch book with co-author Brian Hooks (CEO of philanthropic community Stand Together).

The book is titled, Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World

I was not a fan of the first Charles book, see: Why I Am Not Going to Be Reviewing Charles Koch's New Book.

With a politically correct title that includes "Believe in People," I am not looking forward to his latest writing effort, but dear readers, at a minimum I will skim it for you.

But I fear it will be quite the task. The babbling is at a high level even the blurb:

 Koch and Hooks’ refreshing approach promotes partnership instead of partisanship and speaks to people from different perspectives and all walks of life. They show that no injustice is too tough to overcome if you share a deep belief in people, are willing to unite with anyone to do right, and work to empower others from the bottom up.


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