Monday, July 16, 2012

Report: Romney Has Made VP Decision

Mitt Romney has made his decision as to who will join him on the GOP ticket and may make the announcement as soon as this week, NYT reports.

Could it be Condi or Randy?

The current leaders for the no. 2 slot on the GOP ticket are widely considered to be former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman. Others thought to be on the short-list include South Dakota Sen. John Thune, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan.


  1. Politically, Condi seems to make a lot of sense. Run a mixed-race card vs. the same (Obama being half-black and Biden half-human). And of course she will please the neo-con warmongers. But there is the potential outing. And the media are more harsh on non-liberal blacks (be they conservative, libertarian or whatever) than anyone else. They'll have no problem digging up and exposing every ounce of dirt (real or imagined) they can on Rice.

    So I'll have to rethink Condi.

  2. I guess I'd have to say that Portman is not as bad as Pawlenty, but that's not saying much considering that he was Bush's budget director. I have to give Ryan credit for trying to do something about the budget even though it was way too little. Overall, it's an uninspiring list. Somehow I don't think Obama is breathlessly awaiting the news of which of this yokels will be choice.

    Is there anyone here that is better than Joe Biden? That's a very low barrier, but not I'm not sure any of the these guys can meet it.

  3. Gee, the only thing I'm more excited about is my next proctology exam...
