Friday, January 3, 2014

Chris Rossini on the "Austrian Cult"

Chris emails:
I'm just curious as to who they think the cult leader is...
And how does the cult leader feel about the deep divisions that exists amongst Austrian School supporters? Why does the cult leader allow such divisions?
Guys, we have a very sloppy cult leader, whoever he is!


  1. The cult leaders are the Koch Bros. Deep divisions? A few members of the cult do not believe in creationism. Otherwise there are not meaningful disagreements. The "debates" are like pro wrassing matches. You won't see anyone in the cult take a position that does not make the Koch Bros wealthier.

    1. You mean like Wenzel and Kinsella on IP? Get a clue.

      BTW, how would Kinsella's position make money for the Koch's?

    2. Meet the FIRE cartel...

      Charting FIRE's Fever

    3. Yawn, the liberal's bugaboo again. The Koch's. Who support statists yet did not contribute a dime to the ONLY libertarian in politics: Ron Paul, are the "cult leaders" of the Austrian School.
      The Koch's, who benefit from crony capitalism.

      Liberals who keep beating the Koch brothers-are-libertarians drum truly don't know how pathetic they are. It's like saying John Boehner is a free market radical. Oh wait... Many liberals ARE saying that.

  2. Jerry is showing what an ignoramus he is (again). If he knew anything, the Kochs and Austrians hate each other. It goes back to when Rothbard started Cato, the Kochs kicked him out, and Rockwell started the LvMI. Cato is fake libertarian funded by Koch. LvMI is Anarcho-Capitalist, not funded (and deeply hated) by the Kochs.

    1. The Wolf is just doing what he's getting paid to do. He's clueless.

  3. Ha! The cult who's ideas, if they were to catch on, would let everyone live as they wanted (even crazed lefties could voluntarily form a welfare state and tax themselves to subsidize unemployment and crony schemes). That's a cult we all could enjoy.

    Is it even worth pointing out that mises and Rothbard were atheists? Wtf jw?

    Keynesianism is obviously more cult-like, in name and practice. But instead of loyally following Keynes (who nobody could loyally follow, since his ideas were contradictory and constantly changing) they kneel at the alter of the state.

  4. Lol, a whole cult of evangelicals following the teachings of Jews and atheists! That's rich.

  5. SteveZ, exactly! There is nothing more like a cult than the Keynesian cult of mainstream economics!

  6. Everyone knows our cult leader is Murray Rothbard who never really died. Ron Paul is actually an android programmed by the same people who made bitcoins. Murray uses Ron as his voice. Lew Rockwell is second-in-command and the only person who knows where Murray is hiding (which is in a gold mine somewhere.) Ludwig von Mises was really Murray's uncle and John Maynard Keynes was Murray's real father until he rebelled against him and sided with his Uncle Ludwig. This I know to be true because I read it on the internet and everything is true on the internet

    1. And the whole thing is a front for the Koch Bros. I know this is true because Jerry Wolfgang says so.
