Tuesday, January 21, 2014

WSJ’s Stephen Moore to Join Heritage as Chief Economist

The Heritage Foundation reports (my highlights)
Stephen Moore, a member of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board and founder of the Club for Growth, is returning to The Heritage Foundation as chief economist. 
In an exclusive interview with The Foundry, Moore said he chose Heritage because he’s philosophically aligned with the think tank’s policy agenda and wants to have a real impact on policy debates. 
“I really wanted to be on the front line of the policy debate and I thought Heritage would be the perfect place for that,” Moore told The Foundry. “I honestly believe that Heritage is the most influential of the think tanks in Washington. I don’t think there’s really any question about that.”
As Heritage’s chief economist, Moore said he will concentrate on advancing policies that increase the rate of economic growth in order to help the United States retain its position as the global economic superpower. He will also work on budget, fiscal, and monetary policy. In addition to his focus on federal issues, he plans to showcase states that are getting fiscal issues right.
Moore said states play an important role because President Obama is unlikely to address any of the long-term fiscal challenges in the remainder of his term.
We have a president who is not interested in compromise. He wants to advance a leftist, big-government agenda. That’s frustrating because he’s not like Bill Clinton. We could actually work with Bill Clinton to get things like welfare reform done, which was a big victory for Heritage and the conservative movement. I don’t see Barack Obama moving to the center in any way.
Well, yeah, you can be the most influential think-tank if you become a tool of big government.  "Welfare reform" under Bill Clinton a victory? Give me a break. How about welfare elimination as a first modest step at cutting big government down to size.


  1. By happenstance I recently found myself at a dinner table with Stephen Moore. Though a quite pleasant man, I was astounded at how dull he was. He had absolutely nothing interesting to say. He did know almost every in and out of the who, what, when, where, and why of the close political races coming up in 2014, and when he didn't the lackey he brought with him was quick with the answers. Yet, he had nothing to say about reducing the size of government. He principal concern was "stopping Obamacare". I want to say I wasn't surprised (I am extremely cynical already), but I was. It was another disappointment in a long string on my journey away from the traditional right.

    At the end, he stood up and walked out without a word (we did not arrive together), leaving the rest of us to settle the check. It appeared to me to be a learned habit. I guess its nice having the "right" friends inside the beltway.

  2. Clinton just moved people from unemployment to disability. NPR (of all people) had a good story on that, on "This American Life", if I'm not mistaken.

  3. Finally a true libertarian at the Heritage Foundation. I hope for a great collaboration among Cato institute, Mises institute and Heritage foundation

  4. The president of Heritage Foundation, Jim Demint , voted "yea" on indefinite detention of American citizens without trial.
    Traitors all.
