Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday Night Horror Story: How a Young Rockefeller Died at the Hands of Cannibals

NyPo reports:
Nov. 19, 1961: Two young men drift on an overturned catamaran along the coast of southwest New Guinea. Twenty-four hours have passed since their motor died.
One of the men, Michael Rockefeller, 23, the son of New York governor and future Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and scion to one of the richest families in America, decides to swim 10 miles to shore.
This is the last time Michael Rockefeller is seen alive.
The official cause of death would later be listed as drowning. The prevailing theory was that he was consumed by sharks.
They got one thing right: Michael was eaten. But it wasn’t by sharks.
‘Death doesn’t just happen’ Savage Harvest: A Tale of Cannibals, Colonialism, and Michael Rockefeller's Tragic Quest for Primitive Art a new book by veteran travel writer Carl Hoffman, makes the compelling and convincing case for the true story behind his disappearance

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