Sunday, July 5, 2015

Early Results on Greek Referendum Vote

Greek voters went to the polls Sunday to decide whether to accept bailout terms imposed by international creditors. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is calling for a "No" vote to reject harsh austerity measures, which would almost certainly lead to Greece's exit from the Euro zone. A "Yes" vote would make continued aid more likely, though a previous offer from creditors might not be available after Greece missed a payment on its debt last week.

The polls closed at 7:00 p.m. local time (noon EDT).

The BBC is citing late polls that show a narrow victory for the no side.

The first results have been posted by Greece's Ministry of the Interior. Covering approximately 12.7% of the vote, the totals show No ahead at 60.09% and 39.91% on the Yes side.

(via Slate)


Via Bloomberg:

With a fifth of votes counted, 61 percent of Greeks backed Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras by voting “no” to the latest proposals for spending cuts and tax hikes. Some 39 percent voted to appease creditors, according to early results from the Interior Ministry in Athens.

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