Monday, January 18, 2016

Now Oakland Walmart Closure Blamed on Minimum Wage Hike

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:
In Oakland, [California] employees and city officials expressed shock, and some speculated that the city’s minimum-wage law played a part in the decision to shutter the store there. The Walmart in San Jose, which also boosted the minimum wage, will shut as well. The two stores in San Leandro, which has no minimum-wage law that supersedes the state’s, will remain open.
“I think it really is a little discouraging,” said Oakland Councilman Larry Reid, who learned of the closure in an early-morning phone call. “The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores.”

This comes on the heels of news that Walmart has killed plans to open two superstores in Washington D.C. because of the new higher minimum  wage there.


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