Speculation by some immediately turned to Brad Hanson as the man she may have had an affair with. According to Alaskan Abroad, sources in Alaska say the incident occurred in mid 1990s, right around the time she became mayor of Wasilla. Todd Palin's partner in a Polaris snowmachine dealership in Wasilla, Brad Hanson, and Sarah were reportedly in some kind of relationship, but they denied it was consummated.
Whatever went on, Todd found out enough so that he dissolved the partnership and sold the dealership.
But there's another more recent former business partner where Sarah's flirtatious ways may have gone to far. One, Scott Richter, filed an emergency motion on Wednesday to have his divorce papers sealed. Richter is another Todd Palin former business partner. Richter's motion to seal his divorce records has been denied.
The questions being asked now are "What's in the divorce files that Richter suddenly wants them sealed?" And some bloggers are asking "Did the very flirty Palin have affairs with two of her husband's business partners?"
Since the court has denied Richter's motion to have the files sealed , the first question should be answered shortly. And with more investigative reporters now in Alaska, than moose, no doubt the second question will also be answered soon.
UPDATE: Looks like we are down to one business partner. Smoking Gun reports:
So why did an associate of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's husband file an emergency court motion Wednesday to seal all the documents in his divorce case? As followers of the Palin feeding frenzy know, the National Enquirer this week reported the "incredible allegation" that Palin had an extramarital affair with an unnamed former "business partner" of her husband. Once the politician's husband Todd learned of the purported affair, an Enquirer source claimed, he "quickly dissolved his friendship and his business associations with the guy." So when the blogosphere discovered today (via an online court docket) that Scott Richter, a Palin associate, personally filed a sealing motion in Alaska Superior Court, well, conclusions were jumped to. Was Sarah Palin named as the other woman in a messy divorce action? Well, since Richter's September 3 motion, a copy of which you'll find below, was denied yesterday, his divorce filings remain open to the public. And a TSG review of the 98-page file shows that the Palins are only mentioned in Richter's sealing request. According to the filing, Richter wanted the documents deemed confidential in a bid to cloak details about his home, workplace, and phone numbers because "reporters and news agencies" were using that information to contact him. Richter, a 39-year-old contractor, noted that he is "friends and land owners in a remote cabin" with the Palins and, as a result, journalists were intruding on the "cabin life and private life" of him and his 11-year-old son. The petition to dissolve the marriage was filed jointly last July by Richter and his ex-wife, who were not represented by lawyers. A judge granted the dissolution less than two months after the couple filed to end their marriage.
Why would I want to review any of Ms Palin's emails? Who cares about her? By making this a major story the HP only keeps her in the spotlight. Haven't you learned, the way to make someone disappear is this day and age, is to ignore them. Thanks for breathing life into an otherwise dead political figure. The obliviods, otherwise known as HP moderators, are all out huffing and puffing a big one, aren't they! Get to work you lazy layabouts!
ReplyDeleteThat he was "remote cabin with friends and land owners' and Palins, therefore, the reporter into the cabin life and private life" and his son, his age 11.