Movie Cafereports:
Despite originally having a tentative February 2010, release date, it was reported that the film is currently set to be released theatrically on April 21, 2010, in Belgium and will be released in the United States and the United Kingdom two days later.Other Movie Cafe notes:
Opening prediction: $15 million
Stone stated that the film will provide more of a "social commentary" [This makes me nervous-RW]and admitted that "he never expected high finance to serve again as a tableau for his storytelling," Stone also stated that the film's plot will also showcase"the unemployment rate at an all time high" and the "our national debt ever climbing."...
Title was originally "Money Never Sleeps". When Stone signed on to direct, he added "Wall Street 2" to the title...
The "Money Never Sleeps" subtitle comes from the original film. Gekko calls Bud (Charlie Sheen) early one morning, and after Bud answers the phone, Gekko says: "Money never sleeps..."
LaBeouf's role in the film has been said to be "a role similar to that of Charlie Sheen’s in the original." LaBeouf said of playing the role that "I don't know what ... a credit derivative is,", adding that "I have no idea. I don't know what a Cpo is. Ipb. Lvc. You gotta know ticker names." LaBeouf also said of playing the role and of the film's background of the financial world that he has “no concept” of the "ins and outs of the financial world." LaBeouf stated, as part of getting into character, he chose to stay "skinny" because "hedge funders are big in cardio" and they are "lean."...
New York cosmopolitans playing themselves were asked to don their own clothes and jewelry...
Domestic gross prediction: $60 million
Theatrical release dates:
Apr 21, 10: Belgium, Egypt, Sweden
Apr 22: Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Russia, Singapore
Apr 23: Finland, Poland, UK, USA
May 05: France
May 13: Argentina
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