Wednesday, March 17, 2010

45 Detroit Schools Set to Close Under Plan

CNN reports:
Forty-five Detroit schools and other educational facilities will close in June under a $1 billion plan unveiled Wednesday by the city school district's emergency financial manager.

The district has been beset with falling enrollment, as well as aging buildings, Robert Bobb said Wednesday. The plan will allow the district to cut operating costs by some $31 million in 2010, and ensure lower maintenance costs in the future, he said.

The plan, which complements an academic plan recently unveiled by Bobb, will "create a leaner, smarter DPS," he said.
Given the "education" at some of these schools this may not be all a bad thing, and it is further indication that the Great Recession continues to nip at the edges of growing government.

1 comment:

  1. That's over $22 million per school. Amazing how much money is sunk in the public sector.
