Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dick Cheney Gives Rand Paul's Opponent the Death Kiss

Dick Cheney today announced that he is endorsing Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson over Rand Paul in the GOP Senate primary.

“I’m a lifelong conservative, and I can tell the real thing when I see it. I have looked at the records of both candidates in the race, and it is clear to me that Trey Grayson is right on the issues that matter — both on fiscal responsibility and on national security,” Cheney said in a statement released this morning.

“The challenges posed by radical Islam and Al Qaeda are real and will be an on-going threat to our domestic security for years to come. We need Senators who truly understand this and who will work to strengthen our commitment to a strong national defense and to whom this is not just a political game,” Cheney said.

“There is no doubt that the real conservative in this race is Trey Grayson, and there is no better choice for Kentuckians in May and November.”

Recent polls show Rand Paul is leading Grayson by a 2-1 margin.

1 comment:

  1. Ha - no doubt. Just ask Kay Hutchinson how similar props from Cheaney worked out
