I wanted to thank you for your intelligent article, and point out the conclusions of my own research-that ID cards are part of an information system to manage and facilitate migration/immigration.
Read Allonby's report here. When you read the report, you will learn that this is a global effort, that it is much further along than most people realize, and it will scare the hell out of you.
This fits with the World Economic Forum's priorities, one of which is managing migration. Here are their identified priorities:
ReplyDelete1. Values-the group encouraged a common language for going forward, the language of business
2. Role of Private Sector-sovereign funds (like Dubai World) were touted as solutions to global infrastructure needs, however such funds won't invest long term in underdeveloped nations due to political risk. A new structure is needed to mitigate such political risks, such that sovereigns will invest. (They didn't say what that was, insurance, economic unions, governmental unions)
3. Migration-the need for a global structure to handle the movement of people.
4. Global Health Risk Institute-such a group would go well beyond traditional medicine in identifying health risks for populations.
5. Mitigating Policy Risk-it called for the next generation of public policy machinery for leaders (code talk for what?)