Monday, April 5, 2010

Henry Paulson Joins Mayor Bloomberg's Crony Charity Team

A curious bunch has been named by Mayor Bloomberg to the board of his charity, the Bloomberg Family Foundation.

In addition to former Treasury Secretary Paulson, some of the members of the 19 person board include:

Former Oklahoma Sen. David Boren

Former Georgia Sen. Sam Nunn

Former Florda Gov. Jeb Bush

Dr. Tenley E. Albright, Amex CEO

Kenneth I. Chenault, Director and former managing partner of McKinsey & Company

Walter Isaacson, Aspen Institute President & CEO

John Mack, Morgan Stanley Chairman

What's going on here?

The Village Voice has this take:
Looks a Lot Like Bloomy for Prez Committee‎ -...For Republicans down in Florida, there's a Bush (Jeb) and a Cuban-American (Miami mayor Manny Diaz). For right-wing Dems, he's got that old military warhorse, Sam Nunn from Georgia; for urban Democrats, he's got Corey Booker from Newark. For financial advice he's got that Goldman Sachs vet and oh-so successful ex-Treasury secretary, Hank Paulson.

All of this will be overseen by the ultimate multi-tasker, first deputy mayor Patti Harris who insists she has plenty of time left over after overseeing the city's $60 billion budget. Quote of the day is from new city comptroller John Liu: "Jeez!"

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