Friday, April 9, 2010

The Smoking Video Is Up

OMB director Peter Orszag's interview with Carlyle Group head David Rubenstein is up at The Economic Club of Washington D.C. site.

If someone with the skilz can YouTube the spot where Orszag says they don't know how to price quality healthcare and are just "going to throw stuff against the wall"

and the spot where he says that the deficit estimate within in the margin of error could be $2 trillion 5 years out, and email them to me I would appreciate it.


  1. My browser plays the interview with Don Graham. Do you have to sign in to hear Peter Orzag?

  2. If you scroll over Orszag's head a link will pop up to download the video.

  3. I can't get it to play either. Only Don.

  4. Any chance you can post the link that pops up on your screen? I've tried two different browsers and can't get it to pop up.

  5. Hmm, I went to the link to see if I could grab it or download the video, it was there, and then it disappeared.

    I have an email out to the club to see if they cahelp.

  6. One news agency reported on Orszag's pander to Carlyle co-founder David Rubenstein:
