Thursday, May 13, 2010

Geithner Briefs Super Power Elite, Friday Afternoon

The heavyweights want a report from the Treasury Secretary, including David Rockefeller and Lynn Forester de Rothschild  (Forester was introduced to soon to be husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland. They spent their honeymoon at the White House.)

In addition to Rockefeller and Lady de Rothschild, on Friday afternoon, Treasury Secretary Geithner will also meet with the other members of the Board of Directors of the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics to discuss the Administration’s agenda for economic growth and strengthening the global financial system.

Here's the hefty list of the Institute's Board of Directors:

Peter G. Peterson (Chairman of the Board)
Founder and Chairman, Peter G. Peterson Foundation; former Senior Chairman, The Blackstone Group; former Secretary of Commerce. and Assistant to the President for International Economic Policy.

George David (Vice Chairman of the Board)
Chairman, United Technologies Corporation.

Reynold Levy (Chairman of the Executive Committee)
President, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.

Leszek Balcerowicz
Former Deputy Prime Minister, Poland; former Chairman, Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, Poland; former Minister of Finance of Poland; President, National Bank of Poland.

Ronnie C. Chan
Chairman, Hang Lung Properties Limited.

Chen Yuan
Governor, China Development Bank; former Deputy Governor, Peoples Bank of China.

Andreas C. Dracopoulos
Director and co-President, Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

Jessica Einhorn
Dean, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University; former Visiting Fellow, International Monetary Fund; former Managing Director for Finance and Resource Mobilization, World Bank.

Mohamed El-Erian
PIMCO, Co-CEO and Co-CIO; former President and CEO, Harvard Management Company, Inc.

Stanley Fischer
Governor, Bank of Israel; former Vice Chairman of Citigroup. See more:

Jacob A. Frenkel
Former governor of the Bank of Israel and former IMF economic counselor and director of research.

Maurice R. Greenberg
Chairman and CEO, C.V. Starr and Co., Inc.; former Chairman, American International Group.

Herbjorn Hansson
Chairman and CEO, Nordic American Tanker Shipping Ltd.

Tony Hayward
Group Chief Executive, BP p.l.c.

Carla A. Hills
Chairman, Hills & Company; former United States Trade Representative; former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; former Assistant Attorney General of the United States.

Nobuyuki Idei
Chief Corporate Advisor, Sony Corporation.

Karen Katen
Senior Advisor, Essex Woodlands Health Ventures; former President, Pfizer Human Health; and former Vice Chairman, Pfizer Inc.

W. M. Keck II
President, Coalinga Corporation.

Michael Klein
Former Vice Chairman, Citigroup.

Caio Koch-Weser
Vice Chairman, Deutsche Bank Group; former Deputy Minister of Finance for Germany; former Managing Director, Operations, World Bank.

Lee Kuan Yew
Senior Minister and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore.

Andrew N. Liveris
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company.

Sergio Marchionne
Chief Executive Officer, Fiat S.p.A. and Chrysler Group LLC.

Donald F. McHenry
University Research Professor of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Georgetown University; former US Ambassador to the United Nations.

Mario Monti
President, Bocconi University.

Paul O'Neill
Former Secretary of the Treasury.

David O'Reilly
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ChevronTexaco Corporation.

Hutham Olayan
President and CEO, Olayan America Corporation.

James W. Owens
Chairman and CEO of Caterpillar.

Samuel J. Palmisano
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, IBM Corporation.

Frank H. Pearl
Chairman and CEO, Perseus LLC, and founder and chairman, Perseus Books/Perseus Publishing.

Victor Pinchuk
Founder of Interpipe Corporation.

Joseph E. Robert, Jr.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, J. E. Robert Companies.

David Rockefeller
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chase Manhattan.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild
CEO and President, E.L. Rothschild Limited.

Renato Ruggiero
Former Italian Foreign Minister; former Vice Chairman, Salomon Smith Barney International Ltd.; former Director-General, World Trade Organization; former Chairman, Fiat.

Richard E. Salomon
Managing Partner, East End Advisors, LLC.

Sheikh Hamad Saud Al-Sayari
Former Governor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency.

Edward W. Scott, Jr.
Chairman of the Board of the Center for Global Development, philanthropist, and cofounder of BEA Systems.

Frederick W. Smith
Chairman and CEO, FedEx Corporation.

Jean-Claude Trichet
President, European Central Bank; former Governor, Banque de France; former Director of the Treasury, government of France.

Laura D'Andrea Tyson
Dean, London Business School; former Dean, Haas School of Business, Professor of Economics and Class of 1939 Chair, University of California at Berkeley; former National Economic Adviser to the President; former Chair, Council of Economic Advisers.

Paul A. Volcker
Henry Kaufman Visiting Professor, New York University Stern School of Business; Frederick H. Schultz Professor (Emeritus) of International Economic Policy, Princeton University; former Chairman, Wolfensohn and Co, Inc.; former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs.

Jacob Wallenberg
Chairman, Investor AB (Sweden)

Edward E. Whitacre, Jr.
Chairman and CEO, General Motors.

Marina v.N. Whitman
Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy, University of Michigan; former Vice President and Group Executive, General Motors Corporation; former Member of the Council of Economic Advisers.

Ernesto Zedillo
Former President of Mexico.

Honorary Directors

Alan Greenspan
Former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; former President and Chief Executive Officer, Townsend-Greenspan and Co.; former Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers.

Frank E. Loy
Chairman, Board of Directors, Resources for the Future; Acting Chair, Board of Directors, Populations Services International; former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; former Chairman of the Board, League of Conservation Voters; former President, German Marshall Fund of the United States; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.

George P. Shultz
Honorary Fellow, Hoover Institution; former Secretary of State; President and Director of Bechtel Group, Inc.; Secretary of the Treasury; Director, Office of Management and Budget; and Secretary of Labor.

Ex Officio

C. Fred Bergsten
Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics; former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.

Nancy Birdsall
President, Center for Global Development, was Executive Vice-President of the Inter-American Development Bank from 1993 to 1998. Former Senior Associate and Director of the Economic Reform Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Richard N. Cooper
Chairman Emeritus, Advisory Committee, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University; former Chairman, National Intelligence Council, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, former Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, former Provost, Yale University.

Barry Eichengreen
University of California, Berkeley


  1. I guess Lynn Forester de Rothschild forgave Obama for being arrogant:

  2. These people already know what is really going on in the world economy. I suspect this meeting is to advise them of the progress of the take down of the world economy.

    These are the people/corporations who will be buying assets for pennies on the dollar once the dollar collapses. I suspect something big is about to occur or has already occurred to bring together these world elites.

  3. Now we know who to arrest. These criminals are responsible for the destruction of our Republic.

  4. Well said. They are just like so many rats in a barrel.
    The only things that truly unites them are their arrogance coupled with a contempt for the common man.

  5. Can you please include recent photos in any future stories?

  6. I agree. This ladies and gentlemen does not look or sound good. I bet this will be a closed door meeting of course. Geithner has NEVER been good at reporting any sort of realistic numbers or having accurate forecasts. So we know that he's not going to tell them anything they don't already know. However Geithner is the ultimate butler of this shady elite ruling class. They're gathering to discuss how to finish off their plan of financial destruction and takeover.

  7. Maybe he's telling them that they are all now in the People's cross hairs.

  8. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.....

  9. These scum are responsible for mass murders not just financial collapse, they should be arrested and then publicly hung along with all the scum connected to them.

  10. amazing...the most ruthless and amoral people are in charge of things. We need to put the power back in the hands of the American People and adhere to the Constitution. These people have old money and have made the people into a class of serfs.

  11. ( the meeting) Geithner: "My Ladies and Lords, what to do??" Rothschild, "Find the best sycophants money can buy and have them dispose of the useless eaters". At which point they elites party the night away!

  12. It is encouraging to see that many "Mercans" are awake and sees what's going on; these people are the ones who own and profit from the huge military-industrial complexes that have taken over USA-and is trying for the world; they have caused death,crippling and powerty for , not millions but actually billions by now. Just to have THINGS!

  13. May I suggest that everybody out there who is still God fearing start praying to the Lord for our deliverance from these servants of Satan. It's really the only way to defeat them and restore civility to the world, in a peaceable manner.( The Rosary of Our Lady should be your weapon of choice{but that's just one person's decision})
    They can be defeated without violence and bullets. This is too big for any of us. It's really God's fight.
    Find and read the prayer of good King Asa in the Bible. [2 Chronicles Chap14 v. 10] Because there is no difference whether He fights with a few or with many. We can only hope He fights with us to defeat these psychos and turns their evil back on thier own heads.

  14. history has been written along time ago.The book or instruction guide left behind told us what was going to happen so why act surprised when greed ,power, corruption has taken over. The carpenter that could read the instruction guide is on his way back to rebuild the house.

  15. Bring back the guilitine...seriously. Ladies and gentlemen, please spread this far and wide and inform them of these criminals, this is the scum that floats to the top of the barrel, and scum is scum, it must be removed and it serves no other purpose, similar to a parasite.

  16. The usual suspects.

  17. Anonymous said...
    These scum are responsible for mass murders not just financial collapse, they should be arrested and then publicly hung along with all the scum connected to them.

    I would like to add my hearty...AMEN!

  18. Is it legal for US government officials to meet in secret with banksters and shysters who are shaking down the world and killing the US constitution for their own global rule over us? If there is not already, there oughta be a law!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Is it legal for US government officials to meet in secret with banksters and shysters who are shaking down the world and killing the US constitution for their own global rule over us? If there is not already, there oughta be a law!

    May 18, 2010 2:17 PM

    What I want to know is our President legal?

  20. God is still and always has been working ALL according to HIS will, no one can change that, He spoke the completion of all from the beginning and will bring it to past and ALL will be very good. Praise Him, keep your thoughts and actions in the True Word of God, Christ did not fail.

  21. Why are these people referred to by some comment writers as "elite"? There is nothing elite about them. They are tools, and willing tools, of the serpent. They have made themselves as gods, and they love to called elite.

  22. We have a new list of 'usual suspects'... Last time I saw Rick and Renault they were walking across the tarmac in North Africa - It's time to find the Rick in each of us - we'll have to drag the Renaults along with us.

  23. Can someone say "treason"?

  24. Plain salvary for people in the future, just a pre-view of China and Singapore they control what and when you eat, sleep and how many baby are allow and how much money and freedom you can have, great theory of Dawinism at work, we have become apes and the strongest apes rule and the others chimp is to be put into slavarie and control in a carges.

  25. All Illuminati Demons, ALL. Especialy DAVID COCKASUCKER. They will ALL get theirs from The Just Judge when they check out, for their sinister plotting, MURDERS, wars, financial depradations on the most defenseless....when they ALL are writhing in Hell for ETERNITY, I will LAUGH like a motherfucker with overwhelming JOY!

  26. Is the Logan Act still around???

  27. So what can be done- we preach non-violence - yet,they remain in control and still retain the power to corrupt and continue to deterioate our liberties.. Thery are allowed to get away with massmurder...How come we continue to be so naive??? Selectively, one by one, they MUST be eliminated.And if it is God we trust in, than God will understand our sin for the sake of mankind... A small sacrafice in the grand things of things.... It must be done.. The USA offers $25 million for Bin Laden.... Would a jury of our peers really want to convict someone for the death of one of these thugs? Would a suitable successor reappear knowing their fate after the PEOPLE have taken the necessary action needed to regain and secure our American freedom... The American people MUST stand up for themselves and action must occur.... Otherwsie, we can rant and rave all we want. Mean while, their riches are aggregating and the 'small'people continue to deminish into unhappiness and miserable deaths in poverty. When is enough going to be enough people!! We have read, we have listened, and we have learned of their lies and corruption, Now we choose to donothing more than 'chat'on-line about it? Wake up American people, before it really is too late.... Some sort of revolution must occur in order to to get this message out to all the people - we have too many citizens snowed in by polical BS... The time is now-
