Sunday, June 6, 2010

A-Rod to Bat for the Unsecured Creditors Team

New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez, a former Texas Rangers shortstop, has the largest unsecured claim against his old team, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last month. He is owed $24.9 million in deferred compensation, according to court documents.

He will be one of three people representing the interests of all unsecured creditors in federal Bankruptcy Court.

The Rangers said in court papers that all creditors will be paid in full. The Trustee's office said "it is not all certain" that is the case, according to NyPo.

The other two members of the committee are Essa Alley, the president of Vratsinas Construction Co. in Little Rock, Ark., and Harold Thompson, a vice president of RTKL Associates Inc., an architecture and engineering firm, according to court documents

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