Monday, August 9, 2010

It's a Killing Machine Economic Boom

Do you wonder how the government slips in those supposedly bullish data points about the economy, when everywhere you go you hear average people talking about how bad things are?

Answer: The American military is in a major growth mode.

According to the Commerce Department, on average, personal income dropped 1.8% in the U.S. in 2009. BUT, not all cities faced a downturn in personal income. Here are the cities that were the top gainers in personal income in 2009:

Jacksonville NC up 11.9% [Home of U.S. Marine Corps Base: Fort Lejeune]

Fayetville, NC up 4.8% [Home of U.S. Army Base: Ft Bragg]

Manhattan, KS up 4.8% [ Home of U.S. Army Base: Fort Riley]

Kileen-Temple-Fort Hood TX up 4.6% [Home of U.S. Army Base: Ft Hood]

Cumberland, MD  up 4.4% [No obvious military connection]

Lawton, OK up 4.2% [Home of U.S. Army Base: Ft Sill]

Elizabethtown, KY up 4.2% [Home of military installation at Fort Knox]


  1. Cumberland, MD might be a prison town.
    There appears to be a few prisons in the area.
    One in Cumberland, MD and 2 nearby.
    So the increase is still govt related.

  2. Edit: Looks like all 3 prisons claim Cumberland, MD as home
    Western Correctional Institution
    North Branch Correctional Institution (NBCI),
    FCI Cumberland

  3. meh. do something more productive with your time

  4. that's the extent of your correlation analysis. Very scientific. Now go back and try and find Waldo.
