Friday, November 5, 2010

Geithner Does Japan

On Saturday, Tresury Secretary Geithner will arrive in Kyoto, Japan for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting of Finance Ministers. He will get to lie his ass off once more explain why pumping 600 billion newly printed dollars into the economy will not push the value of the dollar down, and why the U.S. stands firmly behind a strong dollar policy. He will also anounce that the U.S. never dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Specifically, in the morning, he will attend an informal breakfast with finance ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Following the breakfast, the Secretary will participate in the APEC Ministerial meeting. There will be a photo spray at the top of the meeting and a group photo to follow. The Ministerial will continue through the afternoon.

Also in the afternoon, Secretary Geithner will participate in a bilateral meeting with Japanese Finance Minister Noda. There will be a camera spray at the top of the meeting.

At the conclusion of the APEC Ministerial, Secretary Geithner will join his APEC counterparts for a joint press conference.

1 comment:

  1. Geither favors global governance and continually seeks to promote it.

    A region of global governance is growing beyond the ASEAN Region to now include China, Japan and South Korea, as reported in its May 23, 2010 article Japan, China, S Korea Trade Ministers See Investment Pact In ’10.

    I am a Reformed Christian and I see a much bigger picture than most.

    It's like I wrote in the link provided -- A Sovereign System, A Sovereign King And A Sovereign Banker To Rule Planet Earth, Bible Foretells
