Sunday, December 26, 2010

Paul Krugman on the Record

Here he is, on December 23, 2010, telling Rachel Maddow that the country needs more [Keynesian] stimulus. Of course, he does not explain where this money is going to come from. And, it also indicates he isn't aware, yet, that Bernanke's money printing is in the early stages of causing a manipulated boom in the economy and ultimately climbing inflation.

I think this is going to be an interesting clip to watch again in July 2011.


  1. I honestly don't think I can watch this. And that's coming from a man who's seen some pretty sick stuff on the internet over the years.

  2. Take some pepto bismal in advance. Warning: There is also an intro clip of Roubini.

  3. It's a great example of why Ron Paul does a much better job of reaching people than the left. This interview shows that the left calls your intelligence into question if you don't agree with them; everything is divisive. In contrast, Ron Paul is bringing people together by describing how good life can be if we could just be left alone.

  4. Wenzel, why July 2011? What will happen in July 2011?

  5. @Anonymous 12-26 7:19

    I don't mean it as a hard date. It's just that money printing will have gone on for between 6 and 9 months by then. That's a lot of money in the system.

  6. It's also important to note the extension of the false choice of one of two evils: the Democrats or the Republicans. It's either one or other to all of these people.

    Both camps are truly of the reservation, in my opinion. I'd like to see somebody frame the argument that there are other choices, like an Austrian solution, which the Democrats don't get and neither do the Republicans. I'm waiting for an Austrian to run for President a kick some butt.....Ron Paul doesn't count because he's trying to do it through the Republican machine, but it just won't get through.
