Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Understanding the Rothbard-Koch Break

As a result of several recent posts, I have received a number of emails asking  me who the Koch brothers are and what their role has been  relative to liberty and Austrian economics.

The best history on the subject comes from David Gordon, who has written a two piece history on the matter:

Part 1 is here.

Part 2 is here.

For a great glimpse into the intellect that Murray Rothbard was, be sure to listen to Lew Rockwell's interview of David Gordon, Memories of Rothbard.

UPDATE: I have recieved some emails regarding a Part 3 to David Gordon's history. He informs me:

I'm planning to do part 3, which will be an account of Murray Rothbard's remarks about Koch and Cato in Libertarian Forum.

UPDATE2: David Gordon's Part 3 on the Koch brothers is here.


  1. There is a part three right?

  2. David Gordon emails me:

    I'm planning to do part 3, which will be an account of Murray Rothbard's remarks about Koch and Cato in Libertarian Forum.
