Friday, January 14, 2011

Elizabeth Warren Hanging Tight with the General's Wife

It appears that the bankers have Elizabeth Warren pretty well boxed in. I don't think she will be able to do any damage to their agenda, whatever that might be. The crowning piece to the Warren block was getting Bill Daley (formerly of JPMorgan Chase) as White House chief of staff.  In other words, Elizabeth who?

But, it is intriguing that Warren has this side action going with the wife of General Patraeus. First Warren puts her on the CFSB payroll, now she is heading to Lackland Air Force base with Holly Patraeus. From the Treasury:
Elizabeth Warren, Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Holly Petraeus, recently brought on board lead to the effort to stand up the Office of Servicemember Affairs within the CFPB, currently housed at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, will travel to Lackland Air Force Base on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, to hold their first outreach event with military servicemembers and their families.

The Office of Servicemember Affairs is charged with ensuring members of the military and their families receive the consumer financial protections they deserve. In partnership with the Department of Defense, the Office of Servicemember Affairs will be responsible for addressing three key areas: military family education on financial readiness, complaint monitoring and response, and coordination among federal and state agencies of consumer protection measures for military families.
Interesting, Warren is tasked with basically restructuring the entire consumer financial sector, and she's heading to a third rate meeting with Holly Patreaus. If I didn't know better, I'd be thinking Warren is expecting a military coup.

1 comment:

  1. With the cr@p that happened at the CFTC today ('s+Caf%C3%A9+Am%C3%A9ricain)&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher ) this country has reached Banana Republic Status.

    Brooksley Born had bigger b@lls than this guy who is "in charge" (read: My @ss).
